Monday, May 21, 2012

Hey hey!

Long time, no blog. What has been happening? Where to start? What to say?

Well, all I can say is, the past few months have been craaay-zee! Let me update you.

So on my last blog post, I mentioned that I was planning to do a missions trip to the Dominican Republic-Haitian border with a group of nurses from my university. Well, that plan fell through for a lot of reasons. The main reason was finances. After I signed up for the trip, I tried picking up a few extra hours at my part-time job. At that point in time (and now, for that matter), I did not have a real, big-girl Registered Nurse job, so I was willing to take the plunge and just work at my part-time job (Personal Care Worker in a nursing home) to get some money while I awaited an RN job. I didn't get a lot of hours and if I was offered a real nurse job, I didn't want to have to ask for time off starting as a new nurse. It's probably a very confusing and convoluted story to read, but the main point is that I will not be going on that missions trip in August.

 In all honesty, I have just been living life day-to-day, unsure of what is to come next. I applied for many jobs within and outside of my home province, but I've only gotten responses from health agencies here in my own province. The idea of moving away sounded adventurous and exciting initially, but maybe I'm meant to stay here for a little while longer. Who really knows. My time and energy has been solely put into job hunting, studying for my national RN exam (the exam which legally gives me the right to work as a nurse anywhere in Canada), repining pins on Pinterest, Baking, watching all the seasons of "Saved By the Bell" on DVD, going to the gym and sleeping in until 10:30am everyday. I feel like I'm in my own invented place called, "Life's purgatory" - the awkward stage right after you receive your hard earned degree or college diploma and have NO IDEA what the HECK you are going to do next.

I guess you could call this a "Quarter life Crisis", even though I am not technically at that "quarter" mark yet. One year to go.

Yes. So I just turned 24 this month. 13 days ago, to be exact. The 8th of May. It was the first birthday where I actually felt old. Not sure if it had much to do with me convocating from university, but nonetheless, I felt like an old fart. So old, that myself and a good friend of mine (who turned 23 on May 10th) decided to have a conjoined birthday party that consisted of a theme which was supposed to make us feel young again. A BARBIE birthday party. For the next many years of my career, I will not always be guarenteed to have my birthday off, so I decided to make this birthday extra special. I could easily make myself depressed with the idea that my youth is slipping through my fingers, but like my friend Omar put it "Age is like a good bottle of wine. The older it gets, the better it tastes and the higher its worth!" Happy birthday to me. :)