32 days.
I haven't bought a lick.
I'm so contrary this year.
I hate how Christmas is so commercialized. It gets worse every. year.
Last year, my best friend made me a scrapbook of all the fun things we've done together since we've been friends, and I cried. I think it was the best gift anyone has ever given me in my life.
It's become the holiday to become spoiled rotten and get free stuff.
I love it all the same, the non-present side of it.
Well, the presents too. But I don't like to focus on only that.
I think people who have families should be thankful for them and do things that they normally would never have time for during the rest of the year. Play a family game together, go sledding, decorate the tree together (not just mom doing it all. everyoneeeee contributing), baking cookies together, watching holiday movies / tv specials together, driving around town to look at all the christmas lights together, singing carols together on christmas eve, reading the christmas story together.. the "cheesy stuff".
I'm really into the good-old family traditions of Christmas.
I think people should just have fun, and do the best you can with trying to buy the perfect gift for everyone. No stressing. Get your shopping done early, if you can, to avoid the stressful crowds. Put up your Christmas tree the last week in November. Holidays are meant to be enjoyed. Take advantage of them while you can.
I'm thinking of Christmas shopping THIS week. Get 'er all done in one shot. Maybe tommorow. Or Friday, considering I have no school today, tommorow, or friday :)
I have my first effing exam two weeks from Wednesday. That is bullshit.
But I'm done earlier than most, so I like it that way. I can enjoy Christmas to my heart's content after December 13th at 3pm :)
Okay. Gotta write up a two page summary on how homelessness jeopardises one's self-esteem and makes them more likely to suffer from mental illness. How merry and bright.
First holiday Fashion blog :
Top: Forever 21
Skirt: American Apparel
Tights: Icing by Claire's
I like tradtional colors or red, green and gold, but I'm also a huge fan of the "frosty" colors of christmas. Reminds me of sugar cookies. Pastels, whites, pearls, and silvers. Warm furry boots and mittains, layered pastel sweaters and colored tights :)
Make me happy.
Okay. More Christmas cheer journals later :)
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