Sure does.
So my cousin announced to the world the other day that she is getting married. She is 23, a year older than me, which freaks me out, since I'm 22 and I could be easily married soon.. AHHHHHHHH.. Me and Matt have talked about the M-word, but we've both agreed to postpone the real thought of it until 2012 when I graduate. I told him I do not want to expect a ring at least for another year and a half.
So I'm going to be helping her plan a big wedding for Aug 2011. So much to do. I've never planned a wedding or stood in one, so I should use this as a crash course for when I do the real thing for myself.
I am also excited because Christmas is 40 freaking days away. That is nuts. I need to start Christmas shopping pronto. I do not want to be stuck with it for after exams, because I won't have time the first week of December.
Fashion blog soooon.
But until then..
A lame ass, 10th grade quiz:
1) How did you get your blog url? Completely random. I thought it was quirky, and "Beauty and the Beast" is one of my favorite movies, so I just made it a bit "punny"
2) If you could change your name to anything, what would it be and why? I like my name but if I could change it for one day, I'd definitely pick a very frilly, girly name... Olivia? Felecity? Isabella? Cordelia? Something like that.
3) If you could go back in time and give your younger self advice, what would it be and why? Don't sweat the small stuff.
4.) How old were you when you first learned to blow a bubblegum bubble? Umm, maybe 7 or 8.
5) What did you want to be when you were little? What I'm doing now :)
6) What do you order at starbucks? Either I'll be healthy and order a passion fruit tea, or I'll be bad and order a double chocolately mint chip frappuchino. Or a non-fat milk hot chocolate with a shot of raspberry and no whipped cream, to meet half way in between.
7) What's the hardest you ever laughed? When am I not laughing.. ? Probably that time me and Sarah Pynji walked through the munnels and saw a rather grouchy looking professor all shriveled up and slouched over, huffing by us and mumbling to himself.. definitely one of those "had to be there moments", but I'm pretty sure I cried laughing.
8) If you could play any musical instrument, which would it be and why? Learn piano better.
9) What's your favorite thing to do when your upset? Sing, draw, walk, bitch
10)What's your favorite movie? I have many. Moulin Rouge tops the charts though and most every Disney movie.
11) What's one food you can not live without? Any and all types of vegetable. I know, this is weird, but I loveeee vegetables.
12) What's your favorite dessert? apple pie and ice cream, by far.
13) Favorite pizza topping? BBQ'd chicken and mushrooms
14) Would you rather have the superpower to read minds, or the superpower to be invisible? Either way, I'm sure I'd hear things I wouldn't want to hear. Can't I just pick the ability to fly??
15) What did you do for your last birthday? A Vintage Glam birthday party. 1920's-1950's. It was a blast from the past, for real.
16) If you had one personal "selfish" wish, what would it be and why? To win the lottery.
17) What does OMGHHKP mean to you? Omg = O my Gosh... HHKP = ??
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