I've been pretty slack on the blogging lately. Mainly because I'm flat out working during the week and on the weekends, I'm the social butterfly extraordinaire.
This summer has been FLYING so fast. I was just yesterday, it seemed, that I started my preceptorship. Now, I'm just finishing my second week at work. Yes, work. I am ACTUALLY getting paid real money. None of this working for free business I was doing with preceptorship.
The program I am working with for the summer is called "Med Quest". Basically it's a one week-long summer camp (we do it for 6 weeks, 6 different groups of kids), where high school students come from all over the province to stay in residence at our university and learn about the exciting and wonderful careers of medicine and health care. They are selected to go based on GPA, extra curricular/volunteer involvement, leadership and interpersonal skills. The kids are awesome to work with, since most are the cream of the crop from their high schools. During the sessions in the day, we bring them to different parts of the hospital and university to teach them about medical-related careers. Some of which include: medicine, nursing, pharmacy, chemistry, biology, biochemistry, physiotherapy, kinesiology, occupational therapy and more. I do most of the teaching on the nursing faculty at our university. I also teach clinical skills labs (I show them how to take blood pressure readings, how to do physical assessments, etc...) and also I teach an anatomy and physiology lab with real human body parts (from dead bodies, of course!). It's an AWESOME summer job!
In the evenings, we do fun activities with the kids. We take them somewhere fun for supper to eat and do a activities such as bowling, swimming or a hiking tour afterwards. The kids have a time and we basically get paid to have fun!
These past few weekends have been crazy. Last weekend, my friend Emily had a girls' night. We had cocktails and desserts and then went out to sing karaoke. Super fun time! I wish I had pictures, but my camera went all funky on me that night.
Might I mention that while I've started work I am poor, poor, poor. All my money is going towards my trip to Vancouver (1 month and a half to go!), bills and necessities (ie. toiletries, snacks for lunches, etc..). My friends and I have been very creative with trying to come up with fun ideas for us to do.
For example, tonight, my best friend Natasha came back from her month-long Eurotrip. She was obviously broke as a joke and so Emily had the bright idea to do a cook-up at her cabin and play board games. We cooked up canned beans and Kraft Dinner (that's Canadian for "instant macaroni and cheese"). Not the healthiest, but definitely the heartiest! There is something about Kraft Dinner that is so comforting, despite the 5 zillion grams of fat and sodium.
Matt comes home Friday at midnight after being gone for five weeks to go learn French in Quebec. I am really missing him :(
AND (drum roll please), I am doing the most necessary, most essential thing in the world tomorrow. Something I've been putting off to do since I was 16. Register for driving school. Yup. I'm 23 years old and STILL can't drive. Well, that's sort of a lie. I CAN drive, just not independently. I have my Learner's Permit, but that's it. No license. But I will be getting it by the end of this summer, baby!
So, that's my life and my explanation as to why I've been a spook. Not to worry, you will have another non-polyvore journal soon!
Until then
Good evening :)