I used to struggle so much with body image. Growing up, I was tall and lanky, with not a curve to call my own until I was about 20 and developed curves overnight. As the old saying goes, "you always want what you don't have". It's so true. I felt envious of other girls while in my teens with the hourglass figures and once I had it, I longed to have my pencil, stick-thin figure back.
Right now, I feel I am a healthy size. No, I am not model-thin. But I feel comfortable in my own skin. I do occasionally envy those girls with slender arms, completely flat tummies and can eat whatever they want without gaining a pound. Oh, to have the freedom not to constantly watch everything I put in my mouth! I realize that Hollywood and the media is to blame for these unrealistic expectations of proportions for young women. However, I feel society is moving somewhat forward. Some of the most beautiful celebrities are the ones with the junk in the trunk.

Kate & Pippa Middleton
Celebrate your God-given booty today!
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