Saturday, May 21, 2011

Life of a student nurse

I am so very tired. I have worked the past two days, 24 hours. Not altogether, obviously. But two twelve hour shifts with less than twelve hours between the two shifts to go to the gym, eat supper, pack a lunch, shower, call my mom and sleep. It's wonderful and stressful all that the same time. Wonderful, because I love my job. Stressful, because you never know what is going to happen next on our floor.

Two words for today = Projectile vomit.

Yup. I am officially skilled and trained to take care of each and every one of you when you are urging after the time I had today with some patients. Not much comment other than you really HAVE to love your job to keep doing this day in and day out.

I immediately came home and dunked every stitch I wore today in the washing machine, poured on some scalding hot water and a couple of cups of detergent and my "mess" of a day was long forgotten. I'm going to take a hot, relaxing shower once my laundry is complete and perhaps read a book for the rest of the evening.

What do you do on a Saturday afternoon?
I clean up poop, pee, vomit, blood, give needles, hang IVs, dress wounds, pull out staples, pull out stitches, look at xrays, write up reports for doctors, take blood, give blood, put in IVs, be a shoulder to cry on, and brighten someone's day with a smile and helping hand.

Hope you all can go out and enjoy your long Victoria Day weekend :)

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