I will lay all my thoughts out in point form:
1. Halloween Costume
So I know this is a WHILE coming yet, but was two months from Halloween yesterday, so I'm really going to make an effort and get a crack at it early this year as I've always waited for the last possible minute to get my costume together and it ends up being lame because I didn't put enough time or thought into it. I wanted Matthew and I to dress up as something together this year. First I was thinking Aladdin and Jasmine, because I've ALWAYS wanted to dress like a Disney princess. But it's been done a million times before and surely will be done again. So, I was thinking an oreo cookie. YES. Perfect. Complements my black and white combo. And Matthew, for those of you who don't know if half-white and half-Japanese. A golden oreo. Even more perfect. So oreo cookies are what we will be this Halloween and I am more than excited. I ordered a pair of handmade earrings off of Etsy that look like miniture Oreo cookies and they are simply adorable. Also came with a complementary whipped cream ring. So fitting.
I was a Jellyfish last year and had lots of compliments for my originality, so I can't go any less than that.

I was thinking of creative costume ideas all last night as I usually like having two costumes, one for clubbing downtown and one for a Halloween party. I did a non-skanky Dorothy outfit last year as my costume. I really hate when girls take perfectly good costume ideas and skank them up. Like, for example. I really liked the idea of being an authentic 1940's nurse. But all the costumes you see online is something you'd wear in a porno. Not for me. That being said, I really want a group of girls (obviously not me since I have my costume picked out) to dress up at the "Queens of Candyfornia" from Katy Perry's music video "California Gurls" and haver someone be the "Sugar Daddy" as Snoop Dogg's role. The skanked-down version of course. Minus the cupcake bikini tops with cherry nipples. I think the outfit she's first in would be cute. The candy dress and white hair. Also, the brownie costume is superrrrr cute with the chocolate chip beret. And the twister board-like tube dress and blue hair.
2. Halloween Party
I really want to have one, but my mother is lame and hates being sociable. Maybe I can convince Matt to throw one at his house. I really want a bobbing-for-apples game and an old-school horror movie (like "The Shining") as well as lots of homemade tasty treats like spider cookies, pumpkin shortbread, candy corn, candy apples, carmel popcorn, and punch with icy hands in it. :( I miss having the liberty of throwing a party whenever I wanted when I lived on my own.
I am a fashion whore. I am also living in the wrong city. I need REAL vintage shops. I need a H&M. I need a Forever 21. I need a Zara. I need a Primark. I need an American Apparel. I need a Topshop. I need a good paying job. I NEED to move to a big city. A big Canadian city is alright with me. Just a BIG city. Vancouver or Montreal. Maybe Toronto, for a little while anyway.
Right now for fall, I want oversized wooly sweaters in fun colors to wear over flow-y ballerina-like skirts and tights / leggings. I watched "Step Up 3D" on Sunday night with Chantille and fell in LOVE with the fashion in that movie. Mainly with Camille and Natalie's character's clothes. Soo laid back and pretty. A very, just-thrown-on look that still is stylish. I'd show a picture but photobucket is useless for generating what I'm looking for. Best bet is to go out and watch the movie for yourself to see what I'm talking about. It's actually a DEADLY movie and one of the best ones I've seen done in 3D. The effects were great!
4. Weight Watcher
I am really trying to shape up. I gained 20 lbs two summers ago by not watching what I was eating and not working out. I've since managed to keep it off, but I want it never to come back. I tend to eat a little more junk in the summer, so I gained between 3 and 5 lbs. Not a whole lot, but I'm wondering if half of that isn't muscle because I fit into all my clothes from back in the winter when I was 130 lbs. I worked out a fair bit this summer so it's likely that is the case. I know I'll lose it if it's "fat weight" once I get back to school, because I always lose weight when I'm busy and studying. I also don't eat crap.
5. Weddings
So my cousin is getting married in less than a month so weddings have really been on my mind. I'm the typical girly-girl who's been planning their wedding since forever from the colors, to the dance song, to the dress, to the honeymoon. I have it all figured out. I do keep changing my mind. But for now, this is what I want. I want a cherry-blossom inspired wedding with light pinks, white, dark chocolate brown, and deep cherry pinks. I'm thinking of having everything mostly light pink with a touch of dark brown (like in the cherry blossom branches) for the reception, with light pink flowers, light pink cake, and light pink favors. I want my girls in a deep cherry pink color. Not a fushia. But almost like the color of your lips when you bit into a cherry. And my dress. Simple, yet elgant. Off-the-shoulder with a tiny train. No corsets, no big crinolin cupcake underneath.

Some ideas I have:

Anyway, that's enough for one night.
I need to shower and then watch Gossip Girl while I work out. I need to finish Season 2 so I can buy Season 3.
Ciao lovers.
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