Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Thankful : )

Happy Thanksgiving, Everyone!

I had a great Thanksgiving Day today at Taylor's sister Haley's house. It was not my traditional turkey and Jigg's Dinner that us Newfies eat at every major holiday, but it was super delicious. :) I am more than thankful to have a second family away from my real one in Newfoundland.

I wish I had taken some pictures of this beautiful fall day. But lately, I've been trying less and less to live my life through the eyes of an IPhone camera and just experience everything for what it's worth. No amount of technology can ever produce the memories you have in your head. Not just what things looked like, but the feelings you felt that day, the conversations you had with people, the way things smelled, tasted, sounded. You can never capture those things on a camera.

That being said, I do love fall pictures, and plan on taking a few before I leave this little town. The gold and red leaves outside my window will surely be missed :(

I have so much to be thankful for this season.

1. A good paying, full-time permanent job - This is so hard to find for people in my age group, just fresh out of post-secondary education. Especially nurses, nowadays. Most nurses I know are working casual jobs for the first few years of their career, not knowing if they will be receiving a pay check from one week to the next.

2. Supportive friends and family - Making friends in Meadow Lake was hard, but I am more than grateful for the new ones I did make, as well as the ones I always have back in Newfoundland. And of course, I have all of Taylor's family here which I have now become a part of, as well as my own family, which I've had the pleasure of visiting a few times over the course of my time out here in the Prairies.

3. A very supportive boyfriend - I, for the first time in my life, feel like I am in a relationship that is completely unconditional. My boyfriend loves me for who I am and I don't ever feel I need to change any aspect of myself to make him happy. It's pretty freaking amazing. Did I mention he is 100% adorable??! I am blessed. :)

4. A working vehicle - After spending so many years without a car or license, I can really appreciate the value of having a car. Having to walk all over the place in minus 40 degree weather really made me appreciate my car when I did finally get one this past June.

5. Access to healthy food and clean water - This is a mere luxury in most of the world. I am more than fortunate to live in Canada where clean water is readily available and have a good paying job where i can afford to buy fresh produce and whole foods.

6. Good Health - After working for a nurse for year, I know that health is never something we should ever take for granted. You never know when illness or injury is at your door. Thank God everyday for your ability to live a healthy life!

7. A roof over my head in a safe place to live - I have no worries about my house being bombed or that I need to live in fear from persecution for my race, creed or economic status. God has more than blessed our country. :)

8. Freedom of speech and beliefs - It's so hard to belief that I could easily be killed for just being a Christian in some countries. Furthermore, the fact that I have an open blog on the internet, expressing my thoughts, feelings and opinions is warrant enough to have me persecuted as well. I thank God everyday for my ability to opening live out of my faith :)

I hope you all had a very safe and happy Canadian Thanksgiving!!  :)


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