Hello, brand new year!
Not going to lie. 2011 was pretty shitty for a lot of people. But hopefully, this year is going to be a lot better. 2012 will be a big year of transition for me as I move from student life at home to adult life in the real world with a real job. Ah, scary!
I kind of long for the days again of Polly Pockets, Barney and Duncaroos.
God is pretty much kicking me in the butt and saying, "It's time to grow up, Evannah".
I've had my share of screw-ups in the last 5 months.
So, I want to post a realistic New Year's Resolution for 2012. But before I begin, I should look at the resolutions I made last January to see if I followed through with them all.
2011 New Year's Resolutions:
1. Learn more of the piano = success!
2. Read at least 10 books outside of school books = unsuccessful :(
3. Become involved in 3 big volunteering events (I have Relay for Life on the 29th, which is the first big event) - Success: Relay for Life, Let's Talk Science, and Nursing Orrientation 2011
4. Eat at least 5 servings of fruits / veggies each day = successful-ish
5. Go to the gym at least 3 times a week = successful-ish
6. Save money to go on a trip at the end of the summer with Matt = success!
7. Get my license by the end of 2011 = unsucessful. In my defense, I did go to driving school, but failed my parking on the first try. I'm going to try again this year!
8. Quit binge drinking (I don't drink alot as a rule, and when I do, lately, it's been heavvvvyyy. Need to stop that, pronto!) = ahh, probably about the same before, sooo unsucessful :(
9. Eat less processed foods (Cereals, pasta, juice and yogurt are the only exceptions) = successful-ish
10. Befriend someone I normally wouldn't - success. Her name is Angie. We both worked at the Med Quest Summer Program in 2011. Honestly, I thought she was going to be a mega beyotch when I met her. But she is sweet as pie and we hang out a lot! :)
Okay, so New Year's Resolutions for 2012. *Drum Roll*:
1. Gym three times a week
2. Get a job as a nurse (Hopefully in BC *fingers crossed*!)
3. Be wise about my money. I have vowed not to buy another item of clothing unless it is absolutely necessary for me to have it. I have way too many clothes already.
4. To eat out no more than twice a month
5. Successfully graduate from university
6. Pass my RN exam in June
7. Spend less time on the internet. (eek!)
8. To go out (ie. to a club) no more than once a month (unless it's karaoke, which is free!)
9. Gain a better relationship with God
10. Stay positive :)
I think these are all manageable. With a little faith, trust and pixie dust, I'll be on my way. God has big plans for me this year. I just have to trust in Him. :)
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