It all started back in high school...
This is what we did to amuse ourselves
when we felt like this...
But then we attended a Christian youth conference in September of 06' called "YC". That's really where the fun began...
Natasha and Amanda on the bus to YC after yes, FOUR, hours sleep.
We started drinking sprite in the hotel room and things got a little... wild.
Then came the bubbles...
Lots and lots of bubbles..
And we didn't have bubble bath, so we used shampoo instead!
Drinking sprite and eating oreos in zee tub.
Nice one
We all fall into the bathtub together...
Tada! Complete with oreos in our OPEN MOUTHS! dearrrrrrr lord.
This is the sexiest.
If Matty saw this, our relationship may never be the same...
Just... why? WHY!?
The bubble beard
Okay, just so I can explain. There is a tradition in the province I live in called
"Mummering". Google it up and you'll find out exactly where I live :) But anyhow, tradition has it, you find the most ridiculous things (Ie. shoes worn as gloves, mittens worn as boots, wearing bras on the outside of your winter clothes.. yuuuppp) to throw on and a few nights before Christmas you go door-to-door decked in such foolish attire. Kind of works the
same as Trick-or-treating, but no candy :( People usually go carolling and make others guess who they are (Obviously you wouldn't go to a stranger's house). But we did this in APRIL!!! Not December. HAHAHA.
Apparently she didn't want it.. hahaa.. dear me.
Why is there random "war paint" on Tasha's face???
Just. Don't. ask.. LOL
Little red riding from da' HOOD!
I look like a gorilla.
Yes. This was done in public. Broad daylight. No, we did not have permission.
This is why she is my best friend =)
Couldn't even get the tutu up over my "ghetto booty".. hahahahahaha..
I'm surprised security didn't take us away!!
A new fashion trend.
This LEGITIMATELY happened.
OH, but I did...
"Ducks crossing"
And because of all this..
Tash and "these girls" were the only friends I had.
What was I THINKING!?
Preparing for my first child, by the looks of my dress. OH MY!
How attractive.
How cheesy.
Another infamous mummering picture. Christmas '07, I do believe. I have so many blackmail pictures for my wedding slideshow...
Hahahaha. Emily! I think the skirt goes on your butt, sweetie.
CHEEES-YYYYY hahahaha.. But I still like it =)

We have.... issues.
Ohhh, biology class. You bring out the WORST of me...


The wonders of a macbook and some gansta' duds.
The next few are GOLD STAR embarassing........
Oh MY.
We all got dates after facebook saw this picture. Not even going to attempt to understand what was going on...
Adrienne looks possessed.
Some kind of interpretive dance, perhaps??? haha.
Crouching tiger, hidden dragon...
Kate ruined it.
Awkward isn't the word
(She's gonna killllll me! Mwahaha..)
Now Becca and I are pushing out babies and Vincent is teaching us how to breathe. HAHA!
Sarah protecting her "young"
Mine's out, and now we're helping Becca give birth
This is how we dance where I'm frum'

Another cheesy Christmas pose.
We love costumes.

Dear lord.

Why, yes. I am outside on New Year's Eve in Minus 10 degree weather in running shorts.
Roomie and I at my "Medical Madness" themed birthday.

I am such a retard.
Hope you've enjoyed. =)
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