So this blog is really about nothing in particular, except for the fact that life can be unfair sometimes.
I think for the most part, I'm doing okay. I have a TON of friends, a great an supportive boyfriend who is going somewhere in life, a relatively good relationship with my parents and brother, pretty good grades, and motivation to be involved in my community. I guess I'm a pretty good public speaker, writer, singer, and I have a pretty good memory. I also think I'm a fairly nice person. I don't judge others, and I try to put the wants and needs of others first before my own.
I just think sometimes it's tough. My parents, particularly my mom, have such high expectations of me it can be a challenge to try and fullfill all these expectations. For those of you who don't know, yes, I still live at home, but I do pay my mom rent each month. I also pay for all my school fees, books, transportation, etc.. with the help of working in the summers and a student loan. It kind of sucks to pay to live in your own house, but I can think of alot people who have it more rough than me. My mom and dad help me out when they can, but for the most part, I'm financially independant. It's not exactly in my favor to be stuck with over 30 grand in student loans when I graduate, but you gotta do what you gotta do.
I know kids whose parents dish out everything for them. Driving school, school fees, books, rent, and even pay for their weddings. I think it's great, but at the end of the day, how do you really learn to be financially independant if you've got Mom and Dad covering your ass everytime for you?? How can you really grow up?
People wonder why I have so many clothes and makeup and am able to go on a trip once and a while. I save alot of my money, and as for clothes, I am reallyyyyy cheap.
Alot of people get this impression of me that I'm so stuck up and high maitenance. Well, the former is bull because I make an effort to befriend everyone. And the latter, let's just say I am one of the LOWEST maitenance people on the planet. I get my clothes for dirt, dirt cheap. I have so many clothes because I spend so little money on each individual item. I never go to the salon to get my hair done (I guess the beauty of having curly hair, no one can tell when you need a cut). I never get my nails done, or go tanning, eyebrow waxing, armpit waxing, bikini waxing or any of that crap. I don't own a car which decreases my expenses by ALOT. My boyfriend and I would rather do simple dates like making a home cooked dinner together and go for walks in the park than go to movies and fancy restaurants. I don't feel the need to have the latest and greatest technology. I've honestly had my 2GB ipod nano and shitbox of an Acer laptop since my first Christmas in university back in 2006, and it still works fine so that is good enough for me. I have a olympus digital camera which is simple but takes crisp, quality photos. No, it's not the one that Nigel Barker uses, but it does what I need it to do. I have a simple cell phone with only caller ID and unlimited texting, no internet. I have three winter coats. One ski jacket (for crazy winter storms and well, skiing / sledding), one heavy peacoat without a hood, and one semi-heavy peacoat with a hood. I have no pets and no children. I am not married. I do not own any real jewelery aside from a gold locket my grandmother gave me when I was born. I told my boyfriend that the only really jewelery I ever could want is an engagement ring when the time is right and that is IT. I don't wear perfume. I don't wear brand names, unless it's on sale.
I enjoy the simple pleasures of life. I'd also rather spend my money on more sensible and worthwhile things. I sponsor a child in Africa, who defintely needs the money more than I do. I want to invest in piano lessons. The beauty of music is something I hold very near and dear to my heart. If I had every material thing taken away from me and I was only able to keep two things, I'd keep my voice and my piano.
I used to have alot of insecurities growing up. One of them was my nose. I've had so many people over the years tell me my nose was big, and you know what, it probably is. But honestly, if I were to spend my time being insecure over something so superficial, that would be alot of quality time lost that could be spent doing something more important. If you don't like me because you think my nose is big, than I could care less to have you in my life. I have so many friends who accept me for who I am, so one measely bitch, meh. Doesn't mean a row of beans.
I have so many life goals. Alot of which has changed over the years, but the main ones:
1. Graduate from university
2. Eventually go to grad school
I want to do research on the effects of smoking on children and eventually try
to make it law so that smoking is illegal around a child under 16. I also want
to make first aid and CPR training part of the high school curriculum.
3. I've honestly considered law school and focus on health care policies and such
but that's a big maybe for the future. It's on my mind, but it's questionable
right now if I will actually go through with it or not.
4. Get married / Have kids, and if I can't have my own, adopt internationally.
There are so many children in parts of the world, who are born into such
unforunate conditions and need loving parents. Girls in particular are more at
risk. I know, it's a longgg way away yet before I'd consider doing this, but
I'd lovee to adopt a little girl. Maybe from Cambodia or Sub-Sahara Africa.
I've just been analysing my life and where I am right now compared to a few years back. I know my life has NOT been perfect, but from everything I've come out of, I think I'm doing okay. God has certainly blessed me more than I could ever imagine. I really think sometimes it's too much. But I've learned, with what I've been blessed with that I don't need, is to pass it on to someone else who does.
Anyway that is my end-of-year speal.
2010 is over, and new year of life for me is beginning. I want to make every moment count.
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