Sunday, December 25, 2011

Do you remember me, I sat upon your knee?

This has been a wonderful yet different Christmas. It is quite possibly the last Christmas I spend with my family and friends here at home in Newfoundland in a long while. Depending on where I go to work, it's very hard for nurses starting off to get alot of time off work for the holidays. It's hard to imagine spending Christmas without my mom, dad or brother around. All a part of growing up, I guess. Eventually, there will come a day when I'll have a family of my own and bringing the Christmas traditions I grew up with to my new family.

Mom and I were reminiscing last night on some of the earlier Christmases we had together as a family. I'll never forget the first time I sat on Santa Clause's knee at 4 years old and specifically asked him for, "a Polly Pocket and a mermaid dolly".
These days, my Christmas wish list has changed quite a bit. After all the events of this year, I feel like I've had to grow up a lot. I'm asking for more practical things such as a lunchbox and coffee travel mug to take with me to work. After haing three friends being diagnosed with cancer this year as well as three parents of friends die from that horrible disease, I wanted a part of my gift to have donations made to the Canadian Cancer Society. In return, I receive a beautiful "Sparkles of Hope" bracelet. It's on the way in the mail now.

Tis' the season of giving.

I had a lovely last couple of days, despite the fact for leaving all my shopping for the last possible minute. Funny thing about that, I actually was interviewed by CBC News for being a "Last Minute Shopper". My 6 seconds of fame can be aired at this link here. You can see me at 17:35. I pretty much got hauled aside in the mall while shopping and got asked to tell the entire country why I was a last minute shopper and my experiences with last minute shopping. How embarrassing. I'm usually on top of it early and get most of it finished by mid-November. I think I'm going to start after Halloween next year.

I spent the last couple days rushing around, getting the perfect gift for everyone and then finally, spent last night doing the most relaxing thing in the world - baking cookies while listening to Frank Sinatra's Christmas CD. Last night, I made a delicious batch of star shortbread and chocolate chip and candy cane cookies.

My Mom also made an AMAZING tasting ham. Okay guys, I actually HATE pork, but this ham was to DIE for! She made some kind of a brown sugar and molasses sauce to go over it and we ate it with bread and sliced tomatoes as sandwiches. As an annual tradition, we all watched the cartoon "Grinch Who Stole Christmas" before heading off to bed.

We all woke up bright and early this morning as it is the one morning out of the entire year where my brother and I do not feel the compelling urge to sleep-in on a holiday. Every Christmas morning, Mom is always the first one up. She then gets George up. I usually hear the coffee perking around 630, slowly crawl out of bed and then wake my brother up. We go downstairs and open our stockings together in the living room as a family. We do not open a single gift under the tree until everyone has completely unloaded their stockings. Then we proceed to the gift opening. Usually, myself and Jonny go first. We open the gifts from our grandparents first, the gifts to each other, then gifts from Mom and George. While this is going on, a million pictures are being taken by my mother. Then, once my brother and my gifts are opened, Mom and George open their gifts.

Some highlights of the morning:

My Michael Buble Autobiography :)

Jon gave George a can of "instant snow" for when he goes back to Florida

Me & Mom

Jon & Mom

Stocking time!

The lunchbox I asked for. Yes, I did ask for a lunchbox Christmas! LOL

New nursing shoes!

Then, my brother and I went to my Dad's house to deliver Christmas gifts there. My dad lives very close to a farm. The countryside looks so beautiful this time of year.

Mom made a lovely traditional Christmas dinner with all the fixings

Merry Christmas, everyone! I wish you all a safe and happy holiday season! Remember, Jesus is the reason for the season! <3

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat!

Hey all!
I am so intermittent with my posts lately. Pretty much because this semester has been super duper busy. I've had alot going on personally too, which it starting to come to a halt, thank you Lord. I've done well despite everything. Finishing my last year of nursing with all super high marks. I'm owing it all to my great and mighty God who's given me all the strength in the world to persevere and pull through. I have one exam this semester and I plan on giving it my all. So, you probably won't hear from me until after the 8th of December.

I am excited of what is to come and of course I have Christmas to look forward to! Only 24 days left, according to the "Christmas Countdown" app on my iphone.

I managed to make it out to the Santa Clause parade our city puts off every year. In the past few years, I haven't been able to make it due to exams and whatnot. But since I only have one final this year and also as this may be the last year I'll be spending in my hometown in a while, I figured I'd get out and see it for that early nostalgic-feeling of Christmas. From the time I was 11 to 18, I've either been a dancer or a cheerleader in the parade. This was the first time since I was a child that I was a spectator in the parade. While it was freeeezzzinggg cold outside, it was a clear, bright and sunny day. Perfect for a Christmas parade.

Right before the start of the parade. I am silly (and frozen to death!)

Sensible one. Trying hard to keep my teeth from chattering. Brrr, brrr!

Me & Stink

Start of the Downtown Christmas Parade!

My old cheerleading squat from High School! (One of my best friends, Julia, is the coach)

My old dance group! What a creative idea :)

Parade is done, so now it's time to thaw off with a nice Candy Cane Hot Chocolate (Compliments of Second Cup! It's so pretty, I hardly wanted to drink it!)

Hope you all have a great start to the Christmas season! You will all hear from me in a week =)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Waiting for my real life to begin.

I cannot comment enough how strange this year has been. While alot of trials have come my way, I've learned alot of valuable life lessons. I'm an imperfect person living in an imperfect world filled with imperfect people. I know that God only expects me to try my best. He knows that I will fall, but it's no problem at all to pick myself up from where I left off and start over again until I get to where I need to be. It's a continuous and ever-winding road called life with ample of opportunities for detours, scenic routes and bumpy terrains. It all depends on the path in which I take. That choice is up to me.

As we approach this upcoming Christmas season, for me, it becomes more and more apparent as to why Christmas is so important. I need the greatest gift in the world, Jesus, so that I have the option to "pick myself up" when I fall and continue on my road of life. A beautiful journey which God has fashioned for me.

To be honest, I wasn't overly excited for Christmas at first. It seemed like after Halloween, the Christmas season just popped up before my eyes. After everything that's gone on this past year, it did take a while for me to process. But, I'm going to keep my spirits high. This could be my last Christmas with my family for a while since the Lord only knows where I'll be next year.

So, let's take that road before us and sing a chorus or two because baby, Christmas is just around the corner :) This is a time to celebrate and be glad!

So, I only really got excited when I visited Bath & Body Works today. We've never had that store here where I'm from, so I was pumped to go in there for the first time in my hometown's mall.

Okay, can I just say, I'm not overly crazy about fancy bath products. I tend to stick to the basic, cheap stuff. But can I just say, I am OBSESSED about the candles. OHHH, the candles!

Someone better get these for me if they know what's good for them!! (I kid......maybe):

1. Winter Candy Apple

2. Vanilla Bean Noel (It smells like French vanilla yogurt!!)

Yum, yum!!

So, because of my excitement with primarily these two candles, I went home and made a batch of white chocolate, cranberry, and oatmeal cookies. De-lish!

Right now, my mom is gone for a couple weeks to the states, but I'm excited for her to come back to we can get ready for Christmas together. I'm also super pumped that my exams are done December 8th this year, which means, I have a whole MONTH off for Christmas vacation. :)

Each year I do a Christmas checklist. Here goes mine for this year:

1. Santa Clause Parade
2. Study for / get exams out of the way
3. Singing Christmas Tree at Church
4. Caroling around the hospital with the med school choir "Ultra Sound" (sooo serious!)
5. Christmas shopping
6. Watching Christmas movies / TV specials
7. Baking cookies
8. Warm, fuzzy and sparkly clothes
9. Decorating the tree/house
10. Christmas photoshoot?
11. Ice skating
12. Holiday specialty drinks at Starbucks
13. Buying gifts for the unfortunate
14. Remembering the real meaning of Christmas

...and there's more to come! I also have to start applying for jobs over the holidays. Eeek! Scary thought!!

Well, I'm off to work for the night. Have a safe and happy start to your holiday season! And for all my American friends reading this, Happy Thanksgiving :)

Sunday, November 13, 2011

If God can bring you to it, He can bring you through it...

This is turning out to be the hardest year ever emotionally in my entire life. I have been let down so many times and have seen and suffered huge losses. Monday, I found out that my grandfather of 89 years had passed away. I know that he is in a better place and that it was simply "his time". My biggest regret is not getting the chance to see him right before he died. The last time I had visited him in England was the year 2007. Since then, he had developed dementia, so I'm unsure if he would have remembered me even if I had saw him more recently. I'll always remember my grandfather to be a happy and positive person with an unforgettable cheerful smile. His smile will forever stay in my heart. Grandpa always encouraged me to follow my dreams and would be the one to cheer me up the fastest when I was sad. "Have no fear, Granddad is always here". I have no fears, Grandpa's spirit is with me always and will give me the confidence to persevere and do the things he knows I'm capable of. I love you and miss you, Grandpa, always and forever.

Every time I see a bumble bee from now on, I will think of Grandpa as we used to call him "Grandpa Bee". A bright and buzzing bumble bee that works hard in life. That is exactly who my Grandpa was.

My best friend sent me this song after I told her about my grandfather's passing. Natasha always knows what will cheer me up and knew exactly how this song would bring me hope and encouragement for the future. Though these days may seem grey and gloomy, the light is at the end of the tunnel and I know that God will use these experiences to make me stronger.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Finally, I've posted!!

So, I haven't been blogging in a long, long time. I really apologize. There's been a lot going on. I've been busy / doing a lot of reflecting. I will write on that later, but tonight I want to just have a light, happy journal about fashion. I love, love fall fashion. I'll give you a small showing of everything that I've been wearing the past week :)

All thanks to for helping me replicate my outfits!

First of all, Halloween Weekend.I had a BLAST Halloween weekend! My costume came out beautifully. I really felt like the "belle of the ball" :)

This is what I used:

Monday's outfit (Actual Halloween):

Tuesday's Outfit (I had a presentation):

Wednesday's Outfit - I went to see "Footloose" the night before, so cowboy boots were a must the day after!:

Thursday's outfit - This would work as a great date outfit ;):

Friday's outfit:

Saturday's outfit:

Sunday's outfit:


Sunday, October 16, 2011

To get through the raindrops, sometimes you just gotta dance in the rain...

I've been very slow on the blogging this semester. I greatly apologize. It's been one of those weeks. I had a very good family friend pass away this week, leaving behind a wife and three kids. It's so hard to see them go through this. I've been friends with the oldest daughter since we were toddlers and Julia's dad, Tim was like an uncle to me. He was such a charasmatic person and did so much for his family and the community. He will be greatly missed. I can only pray now for God to give strength and peace <3

I heard this beautiful song originally on Glee, but these past couple weeks I heard it again on youtube. It's called "Look to You" by the band, Selah. The main singer, Amy, gives a mini testimony of why the song is so inspirational for her. Even though the reason why SHE feels connected to the song and the reason why I feel connected to the song are completely different, it still is s significant reflection of how even though life can bring us pain, insecurity, uncertainty, and grief, God is the stronghold through it all.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Long time. No blog. A lot's been happenin'!

Wow. I'm back in blogging world. I've been meaning to blog for quite some time about serious and non-serious things alike but was either very busy or going through a lot where I felt I needed to be quiet with that was going on until I gained enough strength and courage to share my life's experiences with the world.

So much has been happening, it absolutely crazy.

I don't know how much detail I really want to get into but I really feel like I'm right at the point where God wants me to be right now. Vulnerable, unsure, and scared. For the longest while, I thought I had everything planned out. I thought I knew exactly who I was and thought I knew exactly what God was planning for my life. Well, I was ever so wrong. I never dreamed I'd be at this point right now.

It's not like being where I am right now is a bad thing. It's allowing me to really trust in God as to where to make the next big step and the next big step is surely to be a BIG one.

Right now I am:
1. In my last year of college with so far, great marks
2. Newly single for the first time in a while
3. Trying to give me life back to God again for the first time in a while
4. Looking at lots of options for possible work opportunities in the next year

This Thanksgiving weekend (Yes, it's Thanksgiving where I live in Canada!), I took alot of time to focus on what I was blessed with, which is alot. I used to be the type of person to go around with a "cane". You look at all the negative things in your life and you feel sorry for yourself. But that type of thinking and attitude only ends up crippling you internally even more. I thought to myself, I want to thank God for the wonderful great things I do have instead of focusing on what I'm lacking.

I thought of TEN things:

1. I have lots of friends. Some people ask, how is it that you have so MANY friends? Well, I don't honestly have an answer for that. I am simply blessed. My friends have gotten me through some of the roughest times. I don't know where I'd be without my friends.

2. I have a supportive family. I can talk to my family about anything. They are always there for me. Right now, I'm appreciating my parents more than ever. I am so blessed to have both parents and my brother in my life.

3. I have a roof over my head. I used to really take this one for grant, but after visiting Vancouver, I saw just how real and sad homelessness really is.

4. I am healthy. After watching one of my best childhood friend's dad die of cancer right now and seeing the hurt and pain which surrounds the family, I am so lucky to be alive and healthy.

5. I have been gifted with many talents and abilities. I want to use my talents to show people who Jesus is.

6. I have the opportunity to gain a university degree as a female. This is a rare opportunity in many countries.

7. I have freedom of opinion. In many places, people are killed for their beliefs and opinions if it does not match up to what the government wants. I am so lucky I can freely practice Christianity in my country.

8. I live in a safe place. So many people have to live each day in fear, wondering if the next day, their homes and family may be destroyed by war.

9. I have access to clean water and am able to afford nutritious food. This is more than a luxury in some countries.

10. I am blessed because Jesus made me perfect, there are no mistakes and I am designed according to His purpose =)

God has blessed me more than I can ever imagine and I know it does not end here =)

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Halloween is coming!

I am super excited for Halloween. It's so fun to dress up, pretend to be scary (if that's your thing), eat copious amounts of candy, and have a laugh!


1. Favorite Halloween Movie

I will split this into two categories: my favorite childhood Halloween movie and my favorite adult / teen Halloween movie


Adult / Teen

2. What did you dress up as the last year you trick-or-treated?

Tacky 80's girl - Myself and Adrienne were bored on Halloween night in 12th grade and decided to just throw on the tackiest clothes and makeup we could find and go out as 80's girls!

3. Favorite Halloween Costume you have worn

I was Cleopatra for Halloween in 5th grade and I loveeeeeedddddddd my costume!

4. What are you going to be this year for Halloween?

"Tale as old as time, true as it can be..."

5. Favorite Halloween candy?

I have a couple favorites:

6. Least favorite costume

I was forced to dress as this one year:

7. Have you ever repeated a costume and what was it?

I repeated two. I was a witch in both grade 3 and grade 7 and a black cat in grade 4 and grade 9.

8. Scariest costume?

WHATT was I thinking in 6th grade?

9. Now list all the costumes you ever been right up to now:

Age 4 - Bunny
Age 5 - Angel
Age 6 - Little Red Riding hood
Age 7 - Little Red Riding hood again!
Age 8 - Witch
Age 9- Black Cat
Age 10 - Cleopatra
Age 11 - Dead Cheerleader
Age 12 - Witch
Age 13 - Hippie
Age 14 - Black Cat
Age 15 - Cat woman
Age 16 - Flapper
Age 17 - Tacky 80's girl
Age 18 - I didn't dress up this year
Age 19 - Foxy Cleopatra (from "Austin Powers")
Age 20 - Gabriella from "High School Musical"
Age 21 - Jellyfish / Dorothy from "The Wizard of Oz"
Age 22 - Oreo cookie / 80's aerobics girl
Age 23 - I will be Belle from "Beauty and the Beast"

Yay!I hope some others will attempt this too :)