This has been a wonderful yet different Christmas. It is quite possibly the last Christmas I spend with my family and friends here at home in Newfoundland in a long while. Depending on where I go to work, it's very hard for nurses starting off to get alot of time off work for the holidays. It's hard to imagine spending Christmas without my mom, dad or brother around. All a part of growing up, I guess. Eventually, there will come a day when I'll have a family of my own and bringing the Christmas traditions I grew up with to my new family.
Mom and I were reminiscing last night on some of the earlier Christmases we had together as a family. I'll never forget the first time I sat on Santa Clause's knee at 4 years old and specifically asked him for, "a Polly Pocket and a mermaid dolly".
These days, my Christmas wish list has changed quite a bit. After all the events of this year, I feel like I've had to grow up a lot. I'm asking for more practical things such as a lunchbox and coffee travel mug to take with me to work. After haing three friends being diagnosed with cancer this year as well as three parents of friends die from that horrible disease, I wanted a part of my gift to have donations made to the Canadian Cancer Society. In return, I receive a beautiful "Sparkles of Hope" bracelet. It's on the way in the mail now.
Tis' the season of giving.
I had a lovely last couple of days, despite the fact for leaving all my shopping for the last possible minute. Funny thing about that, I actually was interviewed by CBC News for being a "Last Minute Shopper". My 6 seconds of fame can be aired at this link here. You can see me at 17:35. I pretty much got hauled aside in the mall while shopping and got asked to tell the entire country why I was a last minute shopper and my experiences with last minute shopping. How embarrassing. I'm usually on top of it early and get most of it finished by mid-November. I think I'm going to start after Halloween next year.
I spent the last couple days rushing around, getting the perfect gift for everyone and then finally, spent last night doing the most relaxing thing in the world - baking cookies while listening to Frank Sinatra's Christmas CD. Last night, I made a delicious batch of star shortbread and chocolate chip and candy cane cookies.
My Mom also made an AMAZING tasting ham. Okay guys, I actually HATE pork, but this ham was to DIE for! She made some kind of a brown sugar and molasses sauce to go over it and we ate it with bread and sliced tomatoes as sandwiches. As an annual tradition, we all watched the cartoon "Grinch Who Stole Christmas" before heading off to bed.
We all woke up bright and early this morning as it is the one morning out of the entire year where my brother and I do not feel the compelling urge to sleep-in on a holiday. Every Christmas morning, Mom is always the first one up. She then gets George up. I usually hear the coffee perking around 630, slowly crawl out of bed and then wake my brother up. We go downstairs and open our stockings together in the living room as a family. We do not open a single gift under the tree until everyone has completely unloaded their stockings. Then we proceed to the gift opening. Usually, myself and Jonny go first. We open the gifts from our grandparents first, the gifts to each other, then gifts from Mom and George. While this is going on, a million pictures are being taken by my mother. Then, once my brother and my gifts are opened, Mom and George open their gifts.
Some highlights of the morning:
My Michael Buble Autobiography :)
Jon gave George a can of "instant snow" for when he goes back to Florida
Me & Mom
Jon & Mom
Stocking time!
The lunchbox I asked for. Yes, I did ask for a lunchbox Christmas! LOL
New nursing shoes!
Then, my brother and I went to my Dad's house to deliver Christmas gifts there. My dad lives very close to a farm. The countryside looks so beautiful this time of year.
Mom made a lovely traditional Christmas dinner with all the fixings

Merry Christmas, everyone! I wish you all a safe and happy holiday season! Remember, Jesus is the reason for the season! <3